It may take up to 2 business days (M-F, excluding holidays) to receive a response to your question.
Are there any restrictions on Interlibrary Loan materials?
The lending library, not the UCI Libraries, determines the conditions regarding the use of their materials.
Some materials may be restricted to "Library Use Only."
Microfilm or microfiche loan will be held at the Langson Library.
Some items may not be photocopied and must be used in Special Collections& Archives.
Items borrowed cannot be placed on Course Reserves for UCI classes.
Some items may come with short due dates, sometimes as little as a week.
It can take several days to verify renewals with the lending libraries.
Some libraries may not permit renewals.
Dissertation requests purchased by the UCI Libraries are limited to 10 person per year. July 1st through June 30th.(This services is only available to UCI faculty and graduate students.)