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Why was my Interlibrary Loan request cancelled?
Why was my Interlibrary Loan request cancelled?
We will notify you by email if your Interlibrary Loan request was cancelled. While there are many reasons why an Interlibrary Loan request might be cancelled the most common are:
- The item requested is available at the UCI Libraries. If the item is missing, contact a Check Out Desk to find out how to request a search for a missing item and then resubmit your request with a note to us.
- The materials have been placed on Course Reserves.
- The item is non-circulating (cannot be checked out) and is unavailable for loan from the owning libraries.
- Materials that cannot be obtained often include:
- Periodical volumes, particularly those less than five years old
- Reference books
- Non-print material such as videotapes, CD’s, sound recordings
- Extremely old books
- Rare or valuable material housed in Special Collections
- Genealogical material
- New books, especially “popular reading”
- The item has been recently published or acquired by the lending library. We suggest you resubmit your request at a later date (1-2 months is recommended).
- Interlibrary Loan staff was unable to find the item as cited in the original request. We suggest that you verify the citation, confer with the Interlibrary Loan staff, and initiate a new request if the item is still needed.
- If you specified a “need-by” date and the deadline cannot be met, Interlibrary Loan staff will notify you and cancel the request. We suggest you initiate a new request if the item is still needed.
- Interlibrary Loan Staff were unable to find the item as cited in the original request. We suggest that you verify the citation, confer with the Interlibrary Loan staff, and initiate a new request if the item is still needed.
- Last Updated Nov 21, 2024
- Views 5
- Answered By Nancy Chacon