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Why was my Interlibrary Loan request cancelled?


  • We will notify you by email if your Interlibrary Loan request was cancelled. While there are many reasons why an Interlibrary Loan request might be cancelled the most common are:

    • The item requested is available at the UCI Libraries. If the item is missing, contact a Check Out Desk to find out how to request a search for a missing item and then resubmit your request with a note to us.
    • The materials have been placed on Course Reserves.
    • The item is non-circulating (cannot be checked out) and is unavailable for loan from the owning libraries.
    • Materials that cannot be obtained often include:
      • Periodical volumes, particularly those less than five years old
      • Reference books
      • Non-print material such as videotapes, CD’s, sound recordings
      • Extremely old books
      • Rare or valuable material housed in Special Collections
      • Genealogical material
      • New books, especially “popular reading”
    • The item has been recently published or acquired by the lending library. We suggest you resubmit your request at a later date (1-2 months is recommended).
    • Interlibrary Loan staff was unable to find the item as cited in the original request. We suggest that you verify the citation, confer with the Interlibrary Loan staff, and initiate a new request if the item is still needed.
    • If you specified a “need-by” date and the deadline cannot be met, Interlibrary Loan staff will notify you and cancel the request. We suggest you initiate a new request if the item is still needed.
    • Interlibrary Loan Staff were unable to find the item as cited in the original request. We suggest that you verify the citation, confer with the Interlibrary Loan staff, and initiate a new request if the item is still needed.

  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2024
  • Views 5
  • Answered By Nancy Chacon