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Do I have to pay any fees when I submit my thesis/dissertation?
Do I have to pay any fees when I submit my thesis/dissertation?
Please see the Graduate Division's webpage on filing fees.
ProQuest does not require any payment for you to submit your thesis/dissertation. However, it provides several optional services that require additional fees.
- You can choose to publish your thesis Open Access with ProQuest for a fee. This is not recommended, as the University of California already provides an Open Access service for you through eScholarship automatically.
- You can request that ProQuest register your copyright for you. This is not required. You may elect to register a copyright at a later date if you choose to do so. More information about registering your copyright is on the University of California Copyright website.
- You can purchase printed copies of your manuscript from ProQuest. This is not required. You are free to use any commercial service to print your thesis/dissertation, and many services charge less than ProQuest and have a faster delivery time (ProQuest will take 3-6 months to deliver your printed manuscript).
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- Last Updated Oct 03, 2023
- Views 340
- Answered By Nancy Chacon
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