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I submitted a portion of my manuscript for publication in a journal, but it has not yet been accepted. Do I need to mention it in my Acknowledgments? What about the copyright page?


You are not required to list a manuscript that has not yet been formally accepted for publication in your Acknowledgments, but you may do so if you wish. Follow the guidance in the UCI Thesis & Dissertation Formatting Manual, being sure to properly acknowledge any co-authors or advisors, and add a statement about the process. 

For example, “Portions of Chapter 1 are currently under review in [name of publication].” 

Since the journal has not yet formally accepted your article for publication, you still retain the copyright. Thus, no additional statement is required on your copyright page.


  • Copyright
    • Last Updated Aug 31, 2023
    • Views 191
    • Answered By Nancy Chacon

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